Monday, September 28, 2009

Encouragement for your calling

I just wanted to share some cool things that ministered to my heart during last weeks teaching on the book of Nehemiah, chapter 6.

As they were about to finish the work, the enemy came to do them harm The Lord gave discernment to know the trickery and deception of the enemy.

Be confident and do not leave the work that the Lord has put before you!

Resist temptation to be distracted or pulled away from what God has called you to do!

Be clear on what God has called you to do and do it!

Don’t come down from it!

Say no to things outside of your calling and yes to the things inside of your calling.

Don’t believe the lies and don’t let the liars (accusers) drag you down with them to their level.

We can’t govern our own tongues so we can’t expect to govern the tongues of others.

Say less, pray more, love more and forgive more.

Press forward in your calling!

You are a leader! Lead them to the cross!

Watch out for false prophets and prophesies that will cause you to doubt God. Would God tell you things that contradict what He has already spoken to you? No!

Trust God, not in circumstances or in people.

Recognize and acknowledge the triumph in your life!

Praise God for what He is doing!

He will rebuild!

He will restore!

He will finish what He has begun!

Don’t sell the Lord short.

Give God Glory!

Worship your King!