The reason that I started this blog, with the encouragement of a friend, was because I had become so discouraged that I lost faith in God and His power. Believe me, it was not a pretty place to be and I never want to go there again. God is good, all of the time!
For some time I have been seeking the Lord in a few areas of my life, and quite frankly, It has been discouraging to me when I constantly hear wait..wait for the Lord...strength will rise as I wait upon the Lord. The other day I was humbled once again by the Lord. I was fasting and praying and I heard Him say to read John 6 and so I did. It is the story where Jesus feeds the 5000 by turning 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish into enough for 5000 people plus 12 baskets full of leftovers. Wow!
So my thoughts and impressions were that Jesus saw the multitude of people coming and He already had a plan, He knew that He was able to provide their need to be fed, all 5000 of them. Already knowing this Jesus asked His disciple Philip where they could get food to feed the multitude of people, but I think that Philip answered incorrectly when he said that “Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may have a little.”
It seems to me that Philip could only see the problem and solution through his human, earthly understanding and it gives me comfort to think that Philip was a disciple of Jesus, walking side by side with the Lord in His ministry, and he did not consider or turn to Jesus and ask how He, the Savior was going to provide the money or the bread to feed the people. Jesus did not condemn or criticize Philip for his lack of understanding but instead He displayed His patience, His power, His ability to provide, His generosity, and His abundance.
So why do I doubt Jesus' provision over my life? I think that it is because I lack an understanding of who He really is and what He can really do. I, like Philip, tend to see the vastness of the problem and forget that I have the solution standing right by my side, and it is not me. So I am encouraged to be reminded by Jesus that He is the bread of life, and that He already has a plan for the areas of my life that I may have been discouraged or struggling in. I am blessed to know on a deeper level that Jesus is more than able to provide and that does give me strength to continue seeking His face and waiting for His perfect timing in all things.