Monday, January 5, 2009

All of Your commandments are faithful

Psalm 119: 92-94

Unless Your law had been my delight,
I would then have perished in my affliction.
I will never forget Your precepts,
For by them You have given me life.
I am Yours, save me; For I have sought Your precepts.

This morning I was reminded of the importance of God's law in my life. I reflected that before I began to study His word I was living a lifestyle that did not look anything like the life spoken of in the word and it was killing me both physically, emotionally and spiritually. As I began to study the word, I began to see that I was a "law breaker" and that I needed to be saved because as hard as I tried, I could not save myself. 

Sometimes I wonder if I am reflecting His image currently, but when I look back I do see that He has changed my heart, my thoughts and my lifestyle quite radically. I still get a little confused about the issue of legalism vs grace and wonder if I might sometimes use grace as an excuse to continue in a sinful behavior, but I do know that the Lord is not through teaching me and I am trying to stay humble enough to listen and obey when He speaks.

Yesterday I was reminded to ask the Lord who He is and what He has to say to me today and this is what He said to me when I took the time to ask.
  • His merciful kindness can be for my comfort
  • His tender mercies bring me life
  • His statutes are my songs
  • His judgments are righteous
  • He teaches good judgment and knowledge
  • He is good and does good
  • He teaches His statutes
  • The law of His mouth is better than thousands of coins of silver and gold
  • His hands made and fashioned me
  • He gives understanding that I may learn His commandments
  • He is my salvation
  • His word brings me hope
  • His commandments are faithful

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